Tuesday, February 11, 2014

  • To understand the difference between 2d art work, relief sculpture, and 3d art work;
  • To create something flat into something not flat using the concepts of “positive & negative space”, along with “sculpture in the round”;
  • To understand and use the principles of art: Repetition and Unity in your sculpture;
To look at and discuss the 2d & 3d works of art by Mia Pearlman as a means of inspiration.

There is a big difference in 2d art, and 3d art. One of the difference is that 3d art pops out at you, and looks like its actually there. While 2d art seems like it's just on the page of a paper, and doesn't have any parts of the artwork popping up. That doesn't mean that 2d art isn't detailed, it just means that it doesn't come out of the page, as a 3d piece of artwork would.

I found out that you don't always have to be a good drawer to be good at artwork. Personally, I am really bad at drawing, but I think I did pretty well in this assignment with making it creative, and 3d. This is very important to my learning, because it gives me a confidence boost because it's not all about drawing!

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